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Book Launch at Indian High Commission, London

26th April, 2022

Originally from Assam, DR Bhaskar Bora came to UK in 2004 and started his journey as an entrepreneur and a doctor. With the intention of diversification, he also started a real estate portfolio and became the first Assamese to open a cocktail bar and restaurant in London.


Poorer financially but richer in experiences of life Bhaskar Bora is now a voice for the disabled, a regular blogger and has written the book 'The Second Chance in Life' to motivate people that every adversity can still be turned into an opportunity. That it is important to be filled with gratitude and appreciation for all the things that we take for granted.

What the universe throws at us we cannot control but how we react to these life's curveballs define who we are.

Book Signing by Stone Parish Council

1st May,2022

"Many residents will know Dr Bora from his time as a GP at Elmdene Surgery. Come along to Lizzies Cafe at Stone Recreation Ground on Sunday 1st May,12- 2 pm where Dr Bora will be signing copies of his book."

- Stone Parish Council

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